For ChMS Clients Who Receive WP Access as Part of their Bundle
If you need to cancel your account with WP (whether it is a trial account or paid subscription), the best way to do so is to simply allow your account to expire on its own. Since we do not store your credit card information, we will not automatically charge your account when it nears expiration.
For Clients Subscribing to WP Directly
Though, we'll be sad to see you go, one can easily cancel your WP subscription by following the steps outlined below:
- Sign into your Worship Planning account,
- Click the gear icon (Settings) in the navigation menu at the top
- Click "Subscription/Billing" from the list of option in the submenu dropdown
- Click the blue toggle switch under "Auto Renew" to disable your account's auto-renewal
Upon performing the steps above and confirming your decision, your account will automatically expire once your subscription lapses.
Lastly, we value all feedback that we receive, and are abundantly grateful for any opportunity to improve our services for the ministries we will continue to serve moving forward. If you have any feedback you would like to leave us with as you depart, positive OR negative, please feel free to share such information with us.
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