There are a number of ways you can quickly build your songs library.
Popular Songs Library
The first and fastest is to browse our "WP Popular" library, which is a list of the 1500 most popular songs in For most songs, we provide the title, author(s), copyright year, publishing label, Spotify link, YouTube music video link, and Amazon MP3 purchase page. For copyright reasons, we are not permitted to provide information such as lyrics. However, you certainly can add them, and any other details about the song. You can view our tutorial video on this process here.
Import From CCLI SongSelect
If you have an account for CCLI SongSelect, we provide you the steps for logging into their website, finding a song, exporting song details, and importing those details into your account. The steps to accomplish this are presented as soon as you click on the "Import SongSelect" button on the Songs Library page. You can also search and import SongSelect songs on the worship flow editor.
Adding Songs Manually
Adding a song manually is the most straight-forward way of getting a song into your library. Simply click the "Manually Add" button on the Songs tab from the Library page, and you'll be presented with fields for all the possible details. When typing in the song title, will attempt to match the song title with the songs in our Popular Songs library. Select a match, and WP will fill in the details it can. Keep in mind, only the Song Title is required for to create an entry in your library. You can view the tutorial on this process here.
Adding On-The-Fly
When specifying the details of your worship flow, if the desired song is not already in your library, you can simply type the new song title and will create a new song for you on-the-fly. You'll then be taken to a page where you can enter more details about the song (if you wish) before you are returned to the worship flow.
Importing From CSV File
This feature allows you to import a large number of songs at once using a CSV (comma separated value) template file that we can provide. We have a tutorial for this process here. If you are interested in this option, contact us.
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